Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why You're Not Happy

If you've been around me for any length of time you know that I love to talk about purpose.  I truly believe that each person has their place in this world; a Purpose.  Your place is where you are excited about what you are doing.  Where you have a passion about your life, your family, and your job.  This place is where you love getting up in the morning, going to work, look forward to time with friends and family and spending time in your community.  

Is this not you?  Do you have trouble getting out of bed, going to work, dealing with your spouse?  Maybe you are just in a slump? Or maybe you have no idea of your purpose.  

What IS your purpose?  You have one, I promise.  Have you ever sat down and tried to put it on paper (to answer the question, "Why am I here on this planet")?  Most people go through life without a clue of why they are here.  It is my belief that your purpose fits hand-in-glove with the things you are passionate about.  Each of us have gifts and talents that make us unique.  Those attributes shape our purpose.  

Having a reason (a.k.a. purpose) for why you are doing something makes all the difference in the world.  Think of it this way: Understanding the purpose of a mission increases morale and focus for the unit.  Of course, no mission is accomplished without obstacles, expected and unexpected.  Still, understanding why you are doing that mission makes those obstacles more easily navigable especially if you are passionate about completing the mission.  Understanding purpose for your life does the same thing.  Spirits are higher, focus is greater, and trouble can either be avoided or more easily navigable.

One might say, "Chaplain, this sounds good.  A real light and fluffy 'kumbaya' type of deal.  I would love to live that type of life.  But my reality is that I hate my job, my family is a mess, and I generally don't like my life."  I would tell you, "fine, change it."  It is hard to implement a new game plan during the game.  But if you are loosing by playing with no plan, the only way to win is to make a plan and implement.  Finding your purpose not only changes how you play the game, it also changes the game!  I get to speak with a lot of people who try to find contentment in the wrong things, are unhealthy in their relationships, have out of whack priorities, and suffer from poor decisions in their past.  Knowing your purpose doesn't just change how you approach these challenges, it changes the challenge!
So WHY are you not happy? If you aren't, I would say you don't understand your purpose.  As I love to tell everyone, I'm here for you.  Let me help.  Find me during drill or call me anytime.  

HERE'S A GOOD START: If you would like to have a deeper discussion about purpose, come to chapel service 1100 on Sunday of Drill (CCC Breakroom).  We will be specifically addressing what the Bible says about your purpose.   Have a great week!
-CH Brawner 

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